How Often You Should be Posting on Your Socials? Do you ever find yourself wondering if you are posting enough, or too much on your social media? Well, the average amount of posts you should be sharing a week can vary between posts and stories. Aiming to post 3-5...
Why You Should Market During an Economic Downturn When an economic downturn hits, many businesses naturally scale back their marketing efforts. With aspects like financial uncertainty and reduced consumer spending, it’s easy to see why marketing might get set...
The Power of Social Media Did you know 91% of brands are on social media and are using more than one platform!? You need to be on there because there is no doubt your competitors will be too. Social Media is a super powerful marketing tool. It can benefit your...
Top 10 Ways to Market Your Business Are you out of ideas for marketing, or need to rejig your memory of ways to market your business? Look no further, here are the top 10 ways to market your business. Email Marketing Email marketing is a great tool to connect...
The way the Cookie crumbles: Google’s gift of privacy and what that means for the future of digital marketing I think it’s safe to say we are all familiar with that little pop up asking to trace our cookies on most websites. Those cookies are used to help...
Video marketing is one of the most popular content marketing tools. Short-form videos are easy to watch and interact with on a variety of social media platforms with the most popular being TikTok and Instagram reels. But as a small business with a limited...