Before getting started with adding aggregated events for Facebook ads, you will need to have verified your domain first. Follow this link to our blog, Verifying your Domain for Facebook Ads 2021, to get step by step instructions on how to do this.
Once you have done this, you should then be able to go into business manager > brand safety > domains and the green dot will show your domain is verified.
Once your domain is verified go to business settings > data sources > pixels > locate your pixel and click on “open in events manager”
The next step is adding in the events.
Click on “aggregated events measurement” then “configure web events”
Locate your verified domain and click “add or edit events”
And “edit events” (please note, if you are a client of ours and have added your domain in and provided us partner access, we can do this part for you – please email in order for us to know your have verified the domain and are ready for this step).
Click edit
On the next screen click “add event”
Locate your pixel and pick the event. Add as many events as you need.
Also note you need to rank these, as Facebook will use the highest priority event.
You will then need to click submit once you have added your events:
If you need help with this please get in touch.
Unsure as to why you need to go through this process? Then head over to our blog, iOS 14 Changes and What This Means for Facebook Advertisers, to understand how the changes to Apple’s privacy are having a major effect on Facebook advertising.